A key role in the implementation of the selected strategy, organization of efficient implementation of resolutions of the Board of Directors, management of current operations of the Company is played by the Executive Bodies of the Company – the President (sole executive body) and Management Board (collegial executive body).
The executive bodies are accountable to the Board of Directors and General Meeting of Shareholders.
The executive bodies of the Company shall be established by the Board of Directors.
The President and Management Board act on the basis of the articles of association of MTS PJSC, Regulation on President of MTS PJSCMore information at the website. and Regulation on the Management Board of MTS PJSC.More information at the website.
Executive bodies:
organize the Company’s activities and are responsible for the results of these activities, and ensure the enforcement of decisions made by the General Meetings of Shareholders and by the Board of Directors;
ensure the establishment and maintenance of the operation of an efficient risk management and internal control system in the Company, and are responsible for the implementation of the resolutions of the Board of Directors in terms of organization of the risk management and internal control system;
are responsible for the effective economic, financial, scientific and technical and social policies of the Company.
The Board of Directors is entitled at any time to adopt a resolution on the early termination of a President’s powers as well as on the termination of the powers of an individual member of the Management Board or all members of the Management Board and on establishment of new Executive Bodies.
During 2019 (from March 13, 2018), the functions of the president of MTS PJSC were performed by Aleksey V. Kornya.
Composition of the Management Board in 2019
MTS Management Boards in effect during 2019
Inessa Galaktionova (on the board since 2019)
Igor Nikolaevich Mishin (on the board since 2019)
Ilya Valentinovich Filatov (on the board since 2019)
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Khomchenko (on the board since 2019)
Tatyana Sergeevna Chernysheva (on the board since 2019)
Aleksandr Evgenievich Gorbunov (on the board since 2018)
Ruslan Sultanovich Ibragimov (on the board since 2007)
Andrey Mikhailovich Kamensky (on the board since 2018)
Aleksey Valerievich Kornya (on the board since 2008)
Vyacheslav Konstantinovich Nikolaev (on the board since 2017)
Maria Nikolaevna Golyandrina (on the board since 2018, powers terminated on November 22, 2019)
Kirill Aleksandrovich Dmitriev (on the board since 2014, powers terminated on July 31, 2019)
Igor Alfridovich Yegorov (on the board since 2016, powers terminated in 2019)
Andrey Gennadievich Smelkov (on the board since 2013, powers terminated in 2019)
Andrei Eduardovich Ushatsky (on the board since 2013, powers terminated in 2019)
Valery Viktorovich Shorzhin (on the board since 2014, powers terminated in 2019)
Information about the President and members of the Management Board as of December 31, 2019
Events after the reporting date
Appointment of Dmitry Aleksandrovich Khalin as a member of the Management Board, Vice President for Cloud and Digital Solutions of MTS PJSC Information about D. A. Khalin is available at website. .
On November 20, 2019, the Board of Directors of MTS PJSC decided to elect Dmitry Aleksandrovich Khalin to the position of a member of the Management Board, Vice President for Cloud and Digital Solutions of MTS PJSC from January 1, 2020.
By the Decision of the Board of Directors of MTS PJSC, the quantitative composition of the Management Board of MTS PJSC from January 1, 2020, was decided as 11 members as follows:
Aleksey Valerievich Kornya – Chairman of the Management Board, MTS PJSC
Inessa Galaktionova
Aleksandr Evgenievich Gorbunov
Ruslan Sultanovich Ibragimov
Andrey Mikhailovich Kamensky
Igor Nikolaevich Mishin
Vyacheslav Konstantinovich Nikolaev
Ilya Valentinovich Filatov
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Khalin
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Khomchenko
Tatyana Sergeevna Chernysheva
Key Competences of the Management Board Members
Member of the Management Board
Duration of work as Management Board Member
Key competences
Finance and Auditing
Industry Specialization (telecom)
Legal Matters and Corporate Governance
Risk Management
Risk Management
A. V. Kornya
11 years (from September 2008)
I. Galaktionova
1 year (from February 2019)
A. E. Gorbunov
2 years (from April 2018)
R. S. Ibragimov
12 years (from April 2007)
A. M. Kamensky
2 years (from April 2018)
I. N. Mishin
1 year (from September 2019)
V. K. Nikolaev
3 years (from July 2017)
I. V. Filatov
1 year (from August 2019)
V. V. Shorzhin
5 years (from March 2014)
D. A. Khomchenko
1 year (from August 2019)
Т. S. Chernysheva
1 year (from August 2019)
Work of Management Board
Over the previous year, 2019, the Management Board held 24 meetings: 20 in-person meetings and 4 meetings in the form of absentee voting.
Participation of Management Board Members in Meetings of the Management Board in 2019
Member of the Management Board
In-person meetings
In-absentia meetings
I. GalaktionovaShe was elected a Management Board member on February 7, 2019.
M. N. GolyandrinaThe powers of this Management Board member were terminated on November 22, 2019.
A. E. Gorbunov
K. A. DmitrievThe powers of this Management Board member were terminated on July 31, 2019.
I. A. EgorovThe powers of this Management Board member were terminated on July 31, 2019.
R. S. Ibragimov
A. M. Kamensky
A. V. Kornya
V. K. Nikolaev
I. N. MishinElected a management board member on September 10, 2019.
A. G. SmelkovThe powers of this management board member were terminated on April 30, 2019.
A. E. UshatskyThe powers of this management board member were terminated on July 31, 2019.
I. V FilatovElected a management board member on August 1, 2019.
D. A. KhomchenkoElected a management board member on August 1, 2019.
Т. S. ChernyshevaElected a management board member on November 27, 2019.
V. V. ShorzhinThe powers of this management board member were terminated on December 31, 2019
* According to information available in the Company, in 2018 the members of the Management Board announced four situations of a conflict of interest (COI) – two situations of actual COI and two situations of potential COI. Currently, all situations are resolved in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Management Policy approved in the Company.
** The Company did not grant loans (credits) to the President and Management Board in 2019. No claims were raised against the president and management board members of the Company.
Significant Issues Considered at the Meetings of the Management Board of MTS PJSC in 2019
Preliminary consideration of materials for the meetings of the Board of Directors of MTS PJSC.
Controlling reports on MTS Group for the fourth quarter of 2018 and 2018, I–III quarters of 2019.
Review of reports on implementation of functional strategies of MTS Group for 2018 in the field of marketing, sales and services, technology and IT, personnel management, procurement, corporate security and regime, public relations, compliance, corporate social responsibility, and regulatory risk management.
Performance of MTS Group in 2018.
Results of the rating of MTS PJSC, subsidiaries and branches of MTS PJSC in 2018.
Strategy for MTS PJSC operation in the capital markets for 2019–2021.
Creation of a venture investment area in MTS PJSC.
Plan for MTS PJSC participation in the Digital Economy program and implementation of projects under the program.
System of bonuses for employees of MTS PJSC for 2019.
Corporate MBA program for MTS Group managers in 2019.
Approval of the Regulation on the branch of MTS PJSC in the Trans-Baikal Territory in new revision.
Approval of MTS IT LLC reorganization in the form of STS JSC acquisition.
IT-GRAD 1 Cloud LLC reorganization in the form of the acquisition of Enterprise Cloud LLC.
Termination of MTS PJSC participation in the RUSBRAND Association of Brand Manufacturers.
Participation of MTS PJSC in the “Donor Forum” Association of Grant Organizations.
Participation of MTS-Bank PJSC in non-commercial organizations.
Strengthening the strategic role of the Board of Directors of MTS PJSC: impact on the practices of the Management Board.
Approval of the technological strategy of MTS Group for 2020–2022.
Approval of the business plan of MTS Group for 2020 to 2022.
Approval of the work plan of the Management Board of MTS PJSC for 2020.
Statistics of the Management Board’s performance for 2017–2019